Spring cleaning tips for a happy home

Springtime brings new flowers, the prospect of eating way too much Easter chocolate, and the tantalising whisper of warm weather and sunshine. It’s only natural that as the seasons roll from the gloomy winter months into the brighter days of spring we start looking to turn over a new leaf – and what better way to get your house in order than by doing some spring cleaning?

We’ve been inspired by The Great British Spring Clean, a fantastic community of volunteers keeping Britain tidy by picking up litter and keeping streets, parks, beaches and green spaces clean and clear of rubbish. Once you’ve followed our spring cleaning tips, keep going and take the spring clean outside of your house – join the Great British Spring Clean, and do your part to help end waste and improve public places in Britain.

Image source: Pexels

How to spring clean your home

A spring clean is a great time to do big tasks that might be a bit of a chore – but just think how good you’ll feel once they’re done. From doing a kitchen deep-clean to chores that need to be done every few months, like flipping mattresses, a spring clean is a great time to make sure your house is ready to welcome plenty of guests come the warmer summer months for parties and barbecues!

Spring cleaning tips

Not sure where to start? Here are our top spring cleaning tips and some smart cleaning hacks to help make cleaning your house a (spring) breeze.

Break cleaning into 15-minute chunks

If the cleaning has built up after months of busy everyday life, or if you’ve been busy with childcare, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed at the thought of cleaning a whole room, let alone a whole house. Instead of feeling daunted and putting it off, a great cleaning hack is to just take it in 15-minute chunks. Organise, sort, and clean what you can in 15 minutes – at the end, even if things aren’t perfect, they’re better than they were 15 minutes ago!

Wash windows on a cloudy day

If you’re cleaning windows, wait for an overcast day – direct sun can lead to streaks forming on your newly-polished glass as the extra-warm glass makes the water evaporate quickly, leaving soap streaks behind.

Dust the places you can’t see

Spring cleaning is all about sorting the areas that go unnoticed for most of the year, so grab an extendable duster and make sure you dust on top of bookshelves, light fittings and wardrobes.  

Let the fresh air in

If you get a bright, breezy day, throw open your windows and let fresh air circulate through your entire home – your home will feel revitalised and fresh after months of keeping your house sealed up against the winter weather.

Get the whole family involved

Throw an energetic playlist – maybe a couple of classic belt-’em-out love songs – on as you all clean, and make it fun by challenging everyone to finish their task first! It’s hardly the most effective of cleaning hacks, but let kids use old slipper socks to buff floors and they’re sure to have a good time.

Keep cleaning products to a minimum

Having dozens of cleaning products creates unnecessary clutter, more plastic waste, and more chemicals in your home that can irritate sensitive skin. Instead, opt for a good all-purpose cleaner, and embrace some natural cleaning hacks that really work – you’d be amazing what some baking powder and lemon juice can accomplish!

Image source: Pexels

Your spring clean checklist

We’ve not included a lot of the standard cleaning tips in our spring cleaning checklist. If you’re a regular Mrs. Hinch then you might already have these spring cleaning tips on your normal cleaning rotation – but if you know there’s a big job you’ve been putting off in the house, a spring clean is the time to do it.

Cleaning your house top to bottom is a daunting task, so instead, follow our complete spring clean checklist for a room-by-room guide to making your house feel fresh and clean this springtime. Tackle one room a day, and you’ll be done in a couple of weekends without feeling like you’ve spent a week scrubbing and polishing.


  • Clean out fridge and freezer, and defrost if necessary
  • Clean the oven
  • Clean out and wipe down drawers and cupboards
  • Dust on top of cupboards, fridge and oven hood


  • Wash all of your bedding, including mattress protectors and blankets
  • Rotate and flip mattresses and vacuum clean
  • Swap out seasonal clothing in your wardrobe that you know you’re not going to wear
  • Get rid of expired makeup and skincare products

Living Room

  • Clean blinds or wash curtains
  • Dust ceilings and corners
  • Wash the windows, inside and out
  • Wash walls and baseboards
  • Shampoo carpets or mop hard floors
  • Check the batteries in smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors


  • Empty and wipe down cabinets and drawers
  • Clean out your medicine cabinet and get rid of out of date medicine
  • Deep clean bathtub and sink
  • Reseal grout if needed


  • Wash your front door
  • Beat and clean doormats
  • Sweep leaves from the garden
  • Check seal on windows and doors
  • Check the mortar and pointing on your roof and walls after winter

Our spring cleaning checklist is sure to help you tackle the big chores and make your home feel brand new. Celebrate the changing seasons and follow our spring cleaning tips to get your house clean and clear – just in time for summer.

Don’t forget, the Great British Spring Clean will take place from 28th May to 13th June 2021 – if you’re feeling inspired by your newly spick and span house and want to get involved in making Britain look just as good, head to Keep Britain Tidy to find out more.

For some springtime inspiration, check out our spring-themed cards. If your house is thoroughly spring cleaned and ready for an interiors update, check out our guide on how to make your home cosy with hygge styling or get grateful with our list of 39 small joys to appreciate. For more lifestyle tips and how-to guides, check out the rest of the thortful blog.  

Header image source: Pexels