2020 has been a strange and difficult year for many. With World Mental Health Day (10th October) just around the corner, we’ve teamed up with Chasing the Stigma once again. Here’s Jake Mills, (CEO and Founder of Chasing the Stigma and the creator of the Hub of Hope) with some thoughts on how Chasing the Stigma and the ‘Hub of Hope’ can help those struggling with their mental health.
Kindness can sometimes be all someone needs when they are struggling with their mental health and this year it’s never been more vital. Living through a global pandemic has seen people, many who have never experienced poor mental health before, facing feelings of isolation, distress and loneliness for the first time – and often alone.
One of the reasons we at Chasing the Stigma love working with thortful is because it gives all of us the opportunity to reach out to those around us – through humour or a heartfelt message and remind them that they’re not alone.
As a charity, though, one thing we are often asked is what to do if you reach out and someone opens up that they’re struggling. This reveals that they need more than a card and reassurance that their loved ones have their back. That they need help.
Our answer to that is simple. Start with the Hub of Hope.
We’ve been working hard on developing the Hub of Hope over the last year. From a simple spreadsheet way back in 2017, to being the UK’s go-to mental health support app with over 1,800 services registered, it’s now a gateway to recovery, for you or anyone you are worried about.
As well as all the main national services, such as Samaritans and Crisis Text Line, it also contains thousands of local and grassroots services addressing concerns from isolation and bereavement, to anxiety and suicide.
If you or someone you know needs support, please – start with the Hub of Hope.
We’re not out of this pandemic yet. We have a long winter ahead and more than ever we need to be keeping an eye on the people around us. Back in March, we saw people showing tolerance and kindness to the situation we were collectively facing. It became ok to say “I need more time, I’m finding it hard” and it taught us all to be kinder. Let’s talk about mental health everyday and promote kindness always.