How many people in your area are having sex over Christmas?

Christmas is all about finally being able to relax and spend time with the people who matter most, which, for many, typically means having more sex than usual! But how much sex are Brits really having over the festive period?

How many times are Brits ‘doing it’ over Christmas?

On average, people in the UK have sex roughly three times over the festive period between Christmas Eve and Boxing Day, but some take it much further; 1-in-12 (8%) ‘get busy’ five times and 3% put in the long hours with 10+ steamy sessions! 

It’s those aged 25-44 who enjoy the most festive sex, with the cold and cosy nights, twinkling Christmas markets, and romantic movie nights prompting an average of four raunchy bouts. However, Brits aged 18-24 are the most likely to ‘get it on’ 10+ times, with more than 1-in-20 (6%) hitting double digits over the period between Christmas Eve and Boxing Day. 

However, this shouldn’t really come as a huge surprise, when you learn that half of people aged 18-34 (48%) consider the festive season to be the biggest turn on of all!

Research shows Christmas is the time when Brits are most intimate

According to our research, over half 18-24-year-olds (53%), 25-34-year-olds (58%), and 35-44-year-olds (52%) enjoy more sex over Christmas than any other time of the year. However, curiously, less than half of couples will have sex on Christmas Day, perhaps down to the copious amounts of chocolate, turkey, and wine we consume as a nation throughout the day!

With everyone seemingly sex-mad over the festive period, we at thortful decided to continue our research and determine how many babies are conceived to the sounds of sleigh bells and carols – and which UK cities are the Christmas conception hotspots!

Over half of Christmas conceptions aren’t planned!

An incredible 27,577 babies were conceived in England and Wales over the 2018 Christmas period, but how many were planned? 

Analysing survey responses, just 43% of couples proactively talk about becoming parents, and just 20% would want to conceive over Christmas, meaning potentially an average of 15,000 children are born each year through sheer seasonal sex drive!

So, where are the most babies conceived over Christmas?

Which cities enjoy the most festive sex?

Our research suggests that it’s Londoners who get luckiest over Christmas, with those who live in the Capital enjoying more sex over the festive period than any other city. In fact, it’s the only major region where people are more intimate than usual, with 54% having more sex at Christmas!

While London tops the charts for most overall sex, though, it’s the residents of Edinburgh who rack up the most impressive numbers; the city has the highest rate of people ‘doing it’ 10+ times in the few days between Christmas Eve and Boxing Day, with 6% hitting double digits.

Christmas is a time for celebration, whether you’re spending it with your significant other or not, so enjoy exploring our entire festive collection! Or, if you’ve friends who are expecting, check out our gorgeous array of new baby cards.