How to beat the Blue Monday blues

A commonly used term to reference the third Monday of January, Blue Monday marks the day we’re officially at our gloomiest, with feelings of post-Christmas despondency, wavering resolutions, and glum weather taking their toll.

Enough’s enough, though! In a bid to lift the nation’s spirits, we’ve pulled together six tried-and-tested Blue Monday tips to get us all through the dastardly day. From setting manageable resolutions to reconnecting with friends and practicing mindfulness, you’ll find a variety of Blue Monday ideas below. 

But before we dive into them, why not pick up one of our send a smile cards while you’re here? These positive paper pick-me-ups are ideal for sending to loved ones who’ve been feeling a tad blue: 


Once you’ve picked your favourite design, check out our blog on what to write in a thinking of you card. Then, if you’re really hoping to treat a loved one, dive into our gifts to cheer someone up guide! 

What is Blue Monday and when is it?

Entering the New Year, you might have heard the term bandied about; but exactly what is Blue Monday? Or perhaps the more appropriate question would be ‘when is Blue Monday?’. 

Blue Monday—the day that has a reputation for being the gloomiest of the year—falls on the third Monday in January. With the merriment of Christmas and New Year now a distant memory, this dreaded day is apparently when people are at their absolute glummest…

But this certainly doesn’t have to be the case, as there are a variety of things you can do to boost your mood. From treating yourself to some delicious food to making exciting plans for the year ahead, we’ll show you that it’s more than possible to turn a notoriously gloomy occasion into something much brighter. 

So without further ado, let’s get onto the Blue Monday tips so that you can make the most of this stereotypically ‘gloomy’ day!

  1. Set small resolutions you can stick to

If your New Year struggles stem from difficult resolutions, our simple solution is to cut yourself some slack and set more realistic expectations. After all, you’re only human… 

The easiest way to combat resolution discontent is to set yourself smaller, more attainable targets. It’s as simple as that. Choose achievable milestones and celebrate every tiny victory!

Dieting and exercise, two ever-popular New Year trends, are obvious examples and easy instances of applying this strategy. Instead of beating yourself up for missing the gym again, consider committing to less, a couple of times a week perhaps, and taking an hour out from your busy schedule on the remaining days for a healthy lunchtime stroll. Similarly, a total food cleanse can be made more manageable with the odd takeaway or treat.

For more tips on how to set manageable targets, why not have a quick read of our full guide on New Year resolution ideas?

  2. Give your body the detox it deserves

If you’re still in a post-Christmas slump, reeling from one too many chocolates, entertain the notion of a small-scale health drive. By all means begin a full-scale detox, but we’re thinking something a little less dramatic. 

Anyway, we won’t bore you with the science (endorphins etc), but, aside from the clear and evident physical benefits, making little tweaks and adjustments to your lifestyle can go a long way towards improving your mental health and boosting your mood.

Three weeks into the year, shake your body into shape with a short walk, run, or cycle before a nutritious breakfast to set you up for the day. Proven to improve cognitive capacity and self-esteem, you’ll be glad for the change of pace. 

  3. Never be afraid to treat yourself

We know our bodies better than anyone. And while it’s, naturally, vitally important to act healthily, there should never be any stigma attached to simply taking a day off from time to time. This means takeaway night and a big glass of wine in front of your telly. Binge, bask, and relax your way into a state of serenity that’ll wash your Blue Monday blues away.

If a passion for physical health is something you can’t budge on, make more of an effort to give your mental health an overdue break, instead. Long hours at work can wear you down, so take the evening off for once. Enjoy complete cosiness and unwind in front of your favourite film or succumb to your inner spender and explore the online winter sales. In short, make the day about you.

  4. Fill your schedule with exciting plans

The next of our Blue Monday ideas involves making some exciting plans for the year ahead! If you’re feeling a little blue, there’s nothing like sitting down with a diary and filling it with things to look forward to. From holidays and weekend breaks to meeting friends and going for drinks, give yourself something to get giddy about.

Booking a holiday requires a monetary commitment you might not be able to make, however simply plotting your next adventure should suffice! And there’s nothing stopping you contacting family, friends, or loved ones to meet up for drinks! 

The difficult feeling doesn’t last, and the good times will come again. So, it’s important to remind yourself of this and offer yourself motivation to power through the gloominess.

  5. Reconnect with friends, old and new

Sometimes, the best thing to get us through the hard times is a chat with friends. The combination of familiarity and reminiscing about great times is just the reminder you need that low feelings are always temporary. 

So, get them on the phone or send a quick message for a catch up. Whether over video call or a meander with a takeaway coffee, you’ll certainly see a lift in your serotonin levels after having a chat with your best mates. 

  6. Discover the benefits of practicing mindfulness

Managing to maintain a clear head free of negativity will inevitably lead to a more enjoyable day. So, on Blue Monday, of all days, it’s important to practice positive techniques that enable you to reduce feelings of anxiety.

Mindfulness doesn’t always mean meditation, either, and often requires minimal time and effort on your part. Listening to soothing music, heading out for a gentle stroll in the park, and enjoying a lie down are all positive steps towards ameliorating your mood.

Taking a quick half hour away from your screen, work, and social media gives you the opportunity to step aside from overwhelming feelings that might be brimming. This invariably improves motivation and confidence, allowing you to more easily manage stress.

As the weather turns and New Year giddiness quickly wears off, it’s easy to start overthinking. As Blue Monday comes around again, though, apply our techniques and we’re sure you’ll notice a definite lift in mood. 

Finally, with even more feel-good reads to get stuck into, make sure to head over to the thortful blog.